to Indonesian

No. 33/1996




Considering :

In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

Referred to in this Government Regulation as:

Article 2

(1) Goods or materials of import origin that are taken into bonded stockpiling sites :

(2) The delivery of domestically made taxable goods to bonded stockpiling sites shall not be subject to collection of PPN and PPnBM.

(3) The entry of excisable goods into bonded stockpiling sites from other Indonesian customs areas shall be granted excise exemptions.

(4) Goods or materials that are granted facilities as meant in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall not constitute goods for relevant companies' own consumption in the relevant bonded stockpiling sites.

Article 3

(1) Bonded stockpiling sites shall be operated by operators domiciled in Indonesia.

(2) Bonded stockpiling sites shall be managed by companies domiciled in Indonesia.

Article 4

The operators of bonded stockpiling sites may also act as bonded stockpiling companies.

Article 5

(1) the origin of imported goods are removed from bonded with the aim Hoarding imported for use, all of these expenditures are not addressed to the party who obtained exemptions or deferral of import duty, excise duty, or taxes in order to import:

(2) The goods as meant in paragraph (1) shall be subject to general provisions in the import sector.

Article 6

Goods that are taken out of bonded stockpiling sites for exports shall be subject to general provisions in the export sectors.


Part One

Article 7

(1) The designing of zones or areas as bonded zones (KB) and the licensing of bonded zone operators (PKB) shall be done by virtue of Presidential Decrees.

(2) To apply for licenses as PKB as meant In paragraph (1), applicants shall meet the following requirements:

Article 8

KB that are operated by PKB granted licenses as meant in Article 7 may serve one or several companies engaged in manufacturing activities.

Article 9

(1) The import of capital goods or equipment for the construction/expansion of KB and the import of oil equipment solely in the interests of PKB already obtaining licenses as meant in Article 7 shall be granted suspension of import duty payments and shall not be subject to collection of PPN, PPnBM and PPh Article.

(2) PKB shall examine the completeness of requirements to KB companies as meant in Article 10 that will carry on industrial business in the said KB.

(3) PKB shall inform the Minister of Finance of new companies that already meet the requirements as meant in paragraph (2).

Part Two

Article 10

(1) PDKB (companies that plan to carry, on business in KB) shall meet the following requirements:

(2) PDKB that already meet the requirements as meant in paragraph (1) shall register with the Minister of Finance no later than 14 (fourteen) days before they carry on their business.

(3) The Minister of Finance shall lay down further procedures for PDKB to take goods and materials into or take manufactured goods out of KB.

Article 11

PKB that plan to act as PDKB shall meet the requirements as meant in Article 10.

Article 12

(1) PDKB shall be responsible for settling import duty, excise and tax on goods they take into or out of the companies.

(2) PDKB shall be exempt from the responsibilities as meant in paragraph (1) If the goods at their companies :

Part Three

Article 13

(1) PDKB may subcontract a part of their manufacturing activities to industrial companies operating in outside Indonesian customs areas or other PDKB, except activity of testing, sorting or packing.

(2) The subcontract work as meant In paragraph (1) shall cover all types of product and be completed no later than 60 (sixty) days starting the date the goods and/or materials are taken out of KB.

(3) The subcontract work as meant in paragraph (1) shall be realized through contracts containing at least period of time, the amount of goods and/or materials received from PDKB and the amount of output return to PDKB.

(4) The transfer of subcontract work to industrial companies operating In other Indonesian customs areas shall be accompanied with guarantees presented to the Treasurer of the Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise supervising KB, and the guarantees shall take the form of:

(5) The Minister of Finance shall lay down further procedures for PDKB to subcontract work.

Part Four
Release of Machines from KB

Article 14

(1) PDKB may lend machines and/or factory equipment to other PDKB or subcontractors in other Indonesian customs areas for a maximum period of 12 (twelve) months and for another period of twice a year at the maximum to realize subcontract work.

(2) PDKB may take machines and/or factory equipment out of their factories to other Indonesian customs areas for repair.

(3) With the guarantees as meant in Article 13 paragraph (4) presented to the Treasurer of the Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise supervising KB, the release of machines and/or factory equipment to other Indonesian customs areas for the purpose as meant in paragraph (1) or (2) shall be granted suspension of import duty, PPN, PPnBM and PPh Article 22 payments.

(4) The repair as meant in paragraph (2) shall be completed no later than 12 (twelve) months starting the date the machine and/or factory equipment are taken out of KB.

(5) The release of machines and/or factory equipment from KB to foreign countries for repair shall follow existing provisions.

(6) The Minister of Finance shall lay down further procedures for PDKB to take machines and/or factory equipment out of KB.

Part Five
Release of Manufactured Goods from KB

Article 15

(1) Manufactured goods may be taken out of KB to other Indonesian customs areas after there is export realization according to provisions in Article 5.

(2) The export realization as meant in paragraph (1) shall be calculated based on the percentage of export value determined by the Minister of Finance.


Part One

Article 16

(1) The Minister of Finance shall declare buildings, places or areas as bonded warehouses by issuing bonded warehouse licenses to bonded warehouse operators (PGB).

(2) To apply for bonded warehouse licenses as meant in paragraph (1), applicants shall meet the following requirements :

Article 17

Bonded warehouses in the form of areas that are operated by PGB already receiving licenses as meant in Article 16 may serve one or several companies engaged in warehousing business.

Article 18

(1) The import of capital goods or equipment for the construction of bonded warehouses already receiving licenses as meant in Article 16 shall be granted suspension of Import duty payments and shall not be subject to collection of PPN, PPnSM and PPh Article 22.

(2) PGB whose warehouses can accommodate more than one bonded warehousing companies shall give recommendations to companies In talking care of bonded warehouse licenses from the Minister of Finance.

Part Two

Article 19

(1) The Minister of Finance shall issue licenses to PPGB (companies at bonded warehouses).

(2) To apply for PPGB licenses as meant in paragraph (1), applicants shall meet the following requirements:

(3) The Minister of Finance shall lay down further procedures for taking goods of import origin into or out of bonded wares houses and for presenting guarantees.

Article 20

PGB that plan to act as PPGB shall meet the requirements as meant in Article 19.

Article 21

(1) PPGB shall be responsible for settling import duty, excise and tax on goods they take into or out of their companies.

(2) PPGB shall be exempt from the responsibilities as meant in paragraph (1), if the goods at their companies:


Article 22

(1) The Minister of Finance shall declare buildings or areas as entrepots for display (ETP) by issuing ETP license to ETP operators (PETP).

(2) To apply for ETP licenses as meant in paragraph (1), applicants shall meet the following requirements:

Article 23

The import of capital goods or equipment for the construction of EPT already receiving licenses as meant in Article 22 shall be granted suspension of import duty payments and shall not be subject to collection of PPN PPnBM and PPh Article 22.

Article 24

(1) PETP shall assist participants of display in taking care of the temporary entry of imported goods to be put on display.

(2) PETP shall be responsible for settling import duty, excise, and tax on imported goods to be put on display.

(3) PETP shall be exempt from the responsibilities as meant in paragraph (2), if imported goods at ETP :


Article 25

Duty free shops (TBB) may be situated at :

Article 26

(1) The Minister of Finance shall grant TBB licences to companies taking the form of limited liability companies (PT) set up to serve as TBB only.

(2) To apply for TBB licences as meant in paragraph (1) companies planning to serve as TBB companies (PTBB) shall meet the following requirements:

Article 27

(1) Individuals eligible to buy goods at TBB with customs, excise and tax exemptions shall be :

(2) The Minister of Finance shall determine the maximum value of goods the rightful individuals an meant in paragraph (1) can buy either in their own interests or their family's interests.

Article 28

(1) PTBB shall be responsible for settling import duty, excise and tax on goods they take into or out of their companies.

(2) PTBB shall be exempt from the responsibilities as meant in paragraph (1), if goods at their companies:


Article 29

(1) Bonded stockpiling sites shall be fully under the control of customs authorities.

(2) The control of customs authorities as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done without disturbing the smooth flow of goods.

Article 30

(1) Bonded stockpiling site licences shall be frozen, if bonded stockpiling site operators :

(2) The freezing of licences as meant in paragraph (1) may be altered to the revocation of licences, If bonded stockpiling site operators;

(3) The licences as meant in paragraph (1) may be given back if bonded stockpiling site operators:

(4) Bonded stockpiling site licences will be revoked if

Article 31

If bonded stockpiling site licences are revoked as meant in Article 30 paragraph (4), the companies shall no later than 30 (thirty) days starting the date of revocation,

Article 32

Bonded stockpiling site operators or companies operating in the bonded stockpiling sites that violate provisions in this Government Regulation shall be subject to sanctions firmly stated in this Government Regulation in addition to administrative sanctions in the form of fines or criminal sanctions in accordance with the law in force.


Article 33

The Minister of Finance shall stipulate further provisions required for the implementation of this Government Regulation.

Article 34

(1) With the enforcement of this Government Regulation, Government Regulation No. 22/1986 as already amended the latest by Government Regulation No. 14/1990 shall be declared null and void.

(2) With the enforcement of this Government Regulation, all export-oriented production entrepots shall be declared as bonded zones.

(3) All implementation rules on bonded zones, private entrepots and duty free shops shall, as long as they do not contradict this Government Regulation, remain valid until replacement implementation rules are stipulated.

Article 35

This Government Regulation shall take effect as from the date of promulgation.

For public cognizance, this Government Regulation shall be promulgated by placing it in the Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Promulgated in Jakarta
On June 4, 1996


Stipulated in Jakarta
On June 4, 1996


Government Regulation No.33/1996
Concerning Bonded stockpiling sites